Supporting Documents
Explore the Research
All Available Research Studies:
- Sediment Sampling Results
- Full SEIR Filing: Addresses MEPA certificate (List of Abbreviations)
- Full MEPA EENF Filing: Summary and Compilation of all the below
- Summary of Spring 2021 Project Work : EBSCO
Geophysical Study, EBSCO-Area Hydrologic Evaluation, and In-River Sediment Properties - Feasibility Study, 2019: Investigated existing conditions, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, potential impacts on EBSCO and other structures, conceptual plans, estimates, and more.
- Feasibility Study Fact Sheet: Summary of the important findings and key points.
- Partial Feasibility Study, 2014: Preliminary analysis of three primary factors that may influence the cost and feasibility of the removal.
- Site Reconnaissance for Ipswich River Dams – this report was done in 2006 for the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game.
These studies were conducted with help from:
- The Horsley Witten Group, Inc.
- The Town of Ipswich; their Planning and Development Department, Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works, and Historic Commission
- The Ipswich River Watershed Association
- The United States Fish and Wildlife Service
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Restoration Center
- EBSCO Publishing, Inc.
- Trout Unlimited, Northeast Chapter
Imagining the River Following Dam Removal
These renderings help to examine what the river will look like at high and low tide at different times of the year.
This informational poster by Kate Abbott, PhD UMass, explores how other rivers have been impacted by dam removals